Couch 2 Fire

C2F 66: Crypto Currency Journey - 4

Episode Summary

As my crypto journey continues, I take action on moving my old 401Ks and IRA into a Crypto IRA. This is one of the ways I figured out how to invest in crypto without having the funds to invest. I felt the need to take action on my goals quickly because I felt as though I was racing against the bitcoin journey itself. Some of my accounts I've had since 1998 and they were just in limbo, collecting dust! I just didn't do anything with them. I just left the accounts alone, afraid to make a mistake - afraid to take action. Well, I finally took massive action and moved all of the dangling accounts and put them into one IRA. This was a very stressful time for me. I had to trust myself and trust my goals and beliefs. Here goes nothing!

Episode Notes

Couch 2 Fire: Crypto Journey