Couch 2 Fire

C2F 42: Women Empowerment with Samahe Sabir

Episode Summary

Hope and desires get past to our lives from our ancestors. I grew up as a tomboy, trying to figure out who I really was and what I represented. I am still figuring this out! Who is Simona? And what do i represent? As I live my life and grow, nothing feels better than getting support from other women. I am fortunate to have a group of women that have been supporting my journey from the beginning. The tribe or village mentality has really helped my journey to become the best I can be. I talk to one of the biggest supporters of Women Empowerment: my dear friend Samahe Sabir. Samahe is a strong and beautiful soul that truly supports this view and shares with us her personal journey to find courage and empower herself while coaching others along the way. If you don't have a tribe already, we welcome you to join ours. Have a listen.

Episode Notes

Samahe Sabir

Women's Empowerment Couch

Leader of Smile and Slay

IG: @smile_and_slay


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