Couch 2 Fire

C2F 29: Spiritual Journey with After Lives and Meditation with Tara Logsdon: EXTENDED PLAY

Episode Summary

Do you believe in the past lives lived? Do you meditate? Have you heard of Theosophy? Do you believe that like attracts like? Have you opened your chakras? How about vibrations in the world? Then join me in my conversation with Tara Logsdon as we discuss various aspects of metaphysical thought. She has a very high vibration. :) **See episode notes for corrections **

Episode Notes

Tara Logsdon

Instagram: @wokeybear


Frank Critzer was the prospector the government had the encounter with and died under the giant rock. George Van Tassel was the man who built the IntegraTron which is actually supposed to be like a Time Machine but it just extends the time of your life if you walk through when it’s turned on. It was built from the technologies that Tesla developed. The day George Van Tassel was supposed to turn it on he was found dead in a hotel room and everybody thinks that that’s very suspicious because he’s the only one who knew how to turn it on so it’s never been used the way he wanted it to be used. Also many tribes of Indians would meet there for ceremonies not just the Hopi tribe. The Morongo call it 'Mara.' They think it’s the spot that they were dropped from the sky to originate and then spread out from there to find their lands.